Upcoming Events!

These three events are offering BEN members FREE tickets!

Be sure to sign-up on their respective Google Forms if you are interested in attending!

Upcoming Events

Name: Voice of Blockchain
Date(s): August 24-25, 2018
Location: Navy Pier, Chicago
Host: Chicago Blockchain Project
Description: Voice of Blockchain brings some of the great minds within the blockchain and cryptocurrency space into one location to exchange insights and educate each other. The event will also feature a hackathon that encourages participants to develop solutions for the sustainable future of Chicago.

Attend for free: https://tinyurl.com/VoiceOfBlockchain

Name: World Blockchain Forum London
Date(s): September 3-5, 2018
Location: Old Billingsgate, London
Host: Keynote
Description: The World Blockchain Forum London is a two-day event that will focus on the future of ICO's and the emergence of security token offerings.

Attend for free: https://tinyurl.com/WBFLondon​

Name: Token Fest Boston
Date(s): September 13-14, 2018
Location: Seaport World Trade Center, Boston
Host: Token Fest
Description: Token Fest is a two-day event that hopes to give its attendees new insights and information on the token economy. The event will cover a number of topics, including crypto-economics, the structure and dynamics of security tokens, and obstacles to mainstream adoption.

Interested in joining BEN or have questions regarding the upcoming events?
Feel free to join our Discord channel, https://tinyurl.com/BENDiscord, and ask any questions you might have!


or to participate.